Monday, June 27, 2011

Prompt Two: Trivial Dilemmas

 There are dilemmas that we face daily. They aren't 'how would one go about bringing world peace?' or 'what exactly is Truth, does it even exist?' Sure we can think about these things time to time, but more often it's 'what shoes should I wear if it might rain but also might not' and 'should I eat more watermelon or should I keep myself dehydrated because otherwise I'll have to use the porta-potty and it's disgusting because there are 100s of people here' (can you feel the anxiety!?)

Write about a trivial dilemma that for one reason or another gets you on an internal rant. Look at the inter workings of your mind in terms of logic in the real world, in day-to-day life. This may seem really random right now, but you will probably catch yourself thinking about one (hopefully, that's what I'm betting on to make this worthwhile.)

P.S. Okay! Great! Feel free to comment on eachother's pieces-I will do so as well, I think it will give us more motivation if we see eachothers reactions :)
Also, you can, once again, submit topic ideas. They are harder to come up with than you think, it's a challenge in itself, and I would really appreciate your ideas.
3rdly I made some clarifications to the instructions about how to write this all, since there seemed to be some confusion. If you have any questions, just ask! I'm just trying to systematize it in some way.

(To post this or not to post this? On one hand, I don't actually know if this will work-I have doubts that other people encounter these dilemmas as often as I do, or will be inspired. On the other, I currently have not come up with any better ideas, nor has anyone else. Therefore it is either this or nothing, or putting up a prompt late (with no guarantee that it will not be this one) and so, yes, I shall post it.)

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